Fenn Macon
Who am I?

I solve tech problems

and prevent future issues

for tranquility

I'm Fenn Macon, a musician and digital artist living in East Boston, Massachusetts

During the day, I am an IT Specialist working towards a dual masters in IT Management and Business Analytics

What music have I made?

I'm in a lot of bands and projects, including:

  • Writing/Singing in Total Vacation
  • Writing/Singing/Guitar in The Baja Blasters
  • Guitar in Superjerk
  • Bass in Really Great
  • Drums in Opposable
  • Guitar/Bass/Noise in MCtheProfessor.GOV
  • Everything in Strong Fenn
  • What other art have I done?

    A bunch!

    Music Videos for Flowerpot Records

    Created using Max/MSP, CoGe, and Adobe Premiere

  • The You Suck Flying Circus - The Avenue
  • The You Suck Flying Circus - Learn To Swim
  • Jack David - Yr Heart Is Breaking
  • The VIDEOJAMZ series

    Live captures of video responding to music, created with Max/MSP

    Download the patch here.

  • VIDEOJAMZ #1: Leaftype - Dingus Friends
  • VIDEOJAMZ #2: Datamosh
  • VIDEOJAMZ #3: Kuh-Lida + a peek behind the scenes
  • VIDEOJAMZ #4: Fenn Macon - Worcester
  • VIDEOJAMZ #5: Fenn Macon - Since Sixteen
  • Glitch Art

    Click title of piece to show images

    Fenn Macon/Moonish Brute Split Digital Cover

    A collaboration with Louis Roe for our split tape, I designed the background and Louis drew the little guys

    Three Variations on a Tartan: An Exploration of Glitch Aesthetics

    Featured in the 2014 Fitchburg Art Museum 79th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft

    Self Portrait

    Created using Pixel Drifter

    Other Work

    Created using Pixel Drifter and various notepad based glitch techniques

    Have I made other websites?

    I sure have!

  • Edwords Creative, a portfolio for a freelance copywriter
  • Jump in the Jar, a site for a community non-profit
  • The Boulders Cookbook, a family recipe site
  • The VEC Letters, a digital humanities project of folk art and conspiracies
  • Bass Master, an attempt to teach bass to a friend
  • Suburban Adventure, an online text adventure
  • What does my resume look like?

    Here's my linkedin!

    How else can you find me?

    Use Google Maps.

    ...or facebook

    ...or twitter

    ...or email me

    ...or don't

    Who are you?
    I really wanna know