I solve tech problems
and prevent future issues
for tranquility
I'm Fenn Macon, a musician and digital artist living in East Boston, Massachusetts
During the day, I am an IT Specialist working towards a dual masters in IT Management and Business Analytics
I'm in a lot of bands and projects, including:
Created using Max/MSP, CoGe, and Adobe Premiere
Live captures of video responding to music, created with Max/MSP
Download the patch here.
Click title of piece to show images
Fenn Macon/Moonish Brute Split Digital Cover
A collaboration with Louis Roe for our split tape, I designed the background and Louis drew the little guys
Three Variations on a Tartan: An Exploration of Glitch Aesthetics
Featured in the 2014 Fitchburg Art Museum 79th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft
Self Portrait
Created using Pixel Drifter
Other Work
Created using Pixel Drifter and various notepad based glitch techniques
I sure have!
Here's my linkedin!